Team brAvery Benefit at Mancini's

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Here are the facts.
Avery diagnosed May 19, 2007 with anaplastic medulloblastoma brain tumor with spread to her spine and brain. She also was diagnosed with leptomenigeal disease to her CNS fluid or protective coating on her brain. Only 1% of medulloblastoma is this aggressive anaplastic subtype putting her in high risk with a less than 50 % chance of beating this nasty cancer. After 30 days of chemo then high dose external beam radiation to her brain and spine. One round of induction chemo, two rounds on high dose chemo with stem cell rescue, countless blood transfusions, two months of hospital stays, five surgerys, and millions of prayers Avery is in remission!
Dr Wetmore reports that the tumors and leptomenigeal disease have melted away. She was extremely surprized by the results. I know the radiation and chemo played a part in her healing but I know in my heart the prayers she received daily from all of you were what made remission possible. Thank You ...Thank You...Thank You!
Next we do not want this to relapse so I will be talking to Dr's. Bendel and Wetmore to discuss a non toxic plan to keep this nasty cancer from coming back. Avery will be able to heal and be a kid again..That is so exciting for us. Avery does not really get how important this day is...We are going to have a silly string party tonight and take everything in.
Thank You for the Prayers and support this past eight months! We are truly blessed! God performed a miracle in healing Avery! WOW! Thank You God! Love, Team brAvery!


Sue Varriano said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I left notes on the CB site, but wanted to be the first to tell you how proud I am of all of you. You've fought so hard and so deserve this victory! Sending prayers to keep this beast at bay and fully be free of this disease. B+

Babione 6 said...

Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!!!